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Entry Fees and Payouts

Super Pro

$80 Entry /$35 Buy Back

                    Winner        R/U         Semi        

40-49            $1500     $400       $200       

30-39            $1200     $300       $150          

20-29            $1000     $250       $125          

19-15            $800       $200        $100       

14 or less     $600        $200       $100

The winner of each race will also receive a $50 Gift Certificate to Mc Kinney Motor Co if they have a "Mc Kinney" decal on both sides of their vehicle

cherrybomb black.png

No Box/Mod

                    Winner        R/U         Semi         

40+                $1200       $300       $150        

30-39            $1000       $250       $125       

20-29            $800         $200        $100          

19-less          $600         $150        $75          

$65 Entry/$30 Buy Back

The winner of each race will also receive a $25 Gift Certificate for any photo order or portrait session if they have a "Cherry Bomb" decal on both sides of their vehicle.



$35 Entry/$15 Buy Back

                    Winner        R/U         Semi         

40+                $400       $200       $100        

30-39            $300       $150       $75          

20-29            $250        $100       $50          

19-less          $200       $75          $25          

The winner of each race will also receive a $25 Gift Certificate to Love Etc if they have a "Love Etc" decal on both sides of their vehicle


Jr Dragster

$25 Entry/$10 Buy Back

Winner 1st Place Trophy and Voucher to Next Race

and Runner Up 2nd Place Trophy

The winner of each race will also receive $25 Gift Certificate to Sandia Signs if they have a "Sandia Signs" decal on both sides of their vehicle

Run for the Money

The racer who runs closest to their dial without going under will receive 50% of the pot and a $25 gift certificate to Monte Carlo Steak House

$20 Entry


Winner of All Classes will receive a $25 Gift Certificate to Yearwood Performance if they have a Yearwood decal on both side of vehicle

Winner of All Classes will receive a $25 Gift Certificate to All American Lubricants (the Greenberg Family Owned Amsoil Dealer) if they have a Amsoil decal on both side of vehicle

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© 2022 Albuquerque Dragway, Inc

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