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Box/Top/Super Pro Class Details


Entry $80        Buyback $35 (1st round Only)

Box/Top/SUPER PRO (1/4 mile 7.00 – 13.49, 1/8th mile 0-9.00)

1. Computer: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipment. See general regulations 9:1.

2. Data Recorders: Permitted. See general regulations 9:2 & 9.2A.

3. Delay Boxes: Permitted. One box/device only attached to transbrake and/or throttle timer only. Delay box may only display delay amount. All direct wiring must be clearly identifiable to the tech inspector.

4. Transbrake: Permitted.

5. Line lock: Four-wheel line lock permitted.

6. Automated Shifter: Permitted.

7. Throttle Control: Permitted per NHRA rulebook.

8. Ignition: Stutter boxes prohibited. Starting line and or ‘high side’ rev limiters permitted. Two-steps, rev-limiters or any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed so as to function as a down-track rpm controller, prohibited.

9. Switches & Buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be standard mechanical connection type. Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprint, light source or any other non-mechanical type switch and/or button prohibited.

10.Tow vehicles: Permitted.

11. .5 Full tree (courtesy staging) with Crosstalk. Competitors will not be allowed to opt out of crosstalk. All cars will be required to use crosstalk.

12. May burnout across the line.

13. Protective Clothing: NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED. 10.00 TO 11.99 : SFI 3.2A / 1 jacket 9.99 and faster or cars exceeding 135 mph: SFI 3.2A/5 jacket and pants required 9.99 with nitrous oxide, supercharged or turbocharged front engines, open bodied car (or closed body without an OEM or steel firewall) firewall jacket and pants SFI spec 3.2A/15, gloves & shoes SFI spec 3.3/5 mandatory Drivers in open-bodied cars 11.99 and quicker must wear protective gloves meeting SFI 3.3/1 and arm restraints. 9.99 or quicker cars exceeding 135 mph; neck collar required.

14. All cars running 9.99 seconds or quicker and/or 135 mph will be required to have a oil containment diaper or belly pan. See NHRA rules for details.

15. A locking transmission dipstick is required for all cars running 10.99 and quicker

16. All cars quicker than 9.99 or 135 mph must have a Oil Containment device.


No Box/Modified/Pro Class Details

Entry $65  Buyback $30  (1st round only)

No Box/Modified/PRO (All Run-No Time restrictions)

1. Computer: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipment. See general regulations 9:1.

2. Data Recorders: Prohibited. See general regulations 9:2 & 9:2A.

3. Delay Boxes: Prohibited.

4. Transbrake: Permitted.

5. Line lock: Two-wheel or Four-wheel line lock permitted.

6. Automated Shifter: Permitted, single function controller only.

7. Throttle Control: Throttle must be manually operated by the driver’s foot. Electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may in no way affect the throttle operation. A dead stop under the carburetor or gas pedal is permitted. Throttle timers, counters prohibited. No overdrive or throttle stop devices allowed.

8. Ignition: Stutter boxes prohibited. Starting line and/or ‘high side’ rev limiters permitted. Two steps, rev limiters or any other rpm limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed so as to function as a down-track rpm controller, prohibited.

9. Switches & Buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be standard mechanical connection type. Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprint, and light source or any other non-mechanical type switch and/or button prohibited.

10. Tow vehicles: Prohibited.

11. .5 Full tree (courtesy staging)

12. With this class being an all run. Please note that depending on how fast your car runs will determine the rating of protective clothing you will need to wear. Please see the NHRA rule book for this information. NO EXCEPTIONS.10.00 TO 11.99 : SFI 3.2A / 1 jacket9.99 and faster or cars exceeding 135 mph: SFI 3.2A/5 jacket and pants required9.99 with nitrous oxide, supercharged or turbocharged front engines, open bodied car (or closed body without an OEM or steel firewall) firewall jacket and pantsSFI spec 3.2A/15, gloves & shoes SFI spec 3.3/5 mandatoryDrivers in open-bodied cars 11.99 and quicker must wear protective gloves meeting SFI 3.3/1 and arm restraints.9.99 or quicker cars exceeding 135 mph; neck collar required.

13. All cars running 9.99 seconds or quicker and/or 135 mph will be required to have a oil containment diaper or belly pan. See NHRA rules for details.

14. A locking transmission dipstick is required for all cars running 10.99 and quicker

15. All cars 9.99 or quicker or 135 mph must have an Oil Containment Device



Entry $35  Buyback $15  (1st round only)

SPORTSMAN (1/4 mile 11.00 TO 19.99-1/8th Mile 7.00 and slower)

1. Computer: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipment. See general regulations 9:1.

2. Data Recorders: Prohibited. See general regulations 9:2 & 9:2A.

3. Delay Boxes: Prohibited.

4. Transbrake: Prohibited.

5. Two Step Prohibited.

6. Line Lock: four-wheel line lock prohibited. Two-wheel line lock permitted on non-drive wheels only.

7. Automated shifter: Prohibited unless stock OEM equipped.

8. Throttle Control: Throttle must be manually operated by the driver’s foot. Electronics, pneumatics, hydraulics or any other device may affect the throttle operation. A deadstop under the carburetor or gas pedal is permitted. Throttle timers, counters prohibited.

9. Ignitions: Stutter boxes prohibited. Single stage rev limiters permitted. Rev limiters or any other RPM limiting devices, legal unto themselves but altered or installed in so as to function s a down-track RPM controller device prohibited. Crank trigger system prohibited, unless OEM distributor-less ignition.

10. Switches and buttons: All switches and/or buttons must be standard mechanical connection type. Infrared lasers, retinal scan, fingerprints, and light sources or any other non-mechanical type switch and/or button prohibited.

11. Tow vehicles: Prohibited.

12. .5 full Tree (courtesy staging)

13. Please refer to the rules and regulations for the proper protective clothing required for the speed in which you will be running. This also includes general rules and regulations applied to your vehicle. NO EXCEPTIONS.


Combo Class (only ran on Combo Race Days)

Entry $50  Buyback $25  (1st round only)

1. All cars run together regardless of Electronics or non-electronics. 

2.  Car must be legal in either Super Pro or Pro category for safety rules.  Super Pro cars will be allowed to use delay box but Cross Talk will not be allowed. 

3.  .5 Full tree (courtesy staging)


Jr Dragster

Entry Fee $25   Buyback $10 (1st round only)

JR Dragster (1/8th mile ONLY)

Up Dated 09/12/22


Age 5

Restricted to 20.00 seconds or slower, limited to single, non competitive passes.

Ages 6-7

1. ET restricted to 13.90 seconds or slower based on an ET dial-your-own, May not dial quicker than 13.90. Breakout rules apply.

2. Any racer running quicker than 13.70 ET at any time during an event will receive one warning. If the same racer runs quicker than 13.70 ET again at the same event, he/she will be disqualified for the remainder of the event. Any racer running quicker than 13.50 ET at any time during an event will be immediately disqualified from the remainder of the even. NO SECOND CHANCES.

AGE 8-9

1. ET restricted to 11.90 seconds or slower based on an ET dial-your-own, May not dial quicker than 11.90. Breakout rules apply.

2. Any racer running quicker than 11.70 ET at any time during an event will receive one warning. If the same racer runs quicker than 11.70 ET again at the same event, he/she will be disqualified for the remainder of the event. Any racer running quicker than 11.50 ET at any time during an event will be immediately disqualified from the remainder of the even. NO SECOND CHANCES.


AGE 10-12

1. ET restricted to 8.90 seconds or slower based on an ET dial-your-own, May not dial quicker than 8.90, Break out rules apply.

2. Any racer running quicker than 8.70 ET at any time during an event will receive one warning. If the same racer runs quicker than 8.70 ET again at the same event, he/she will be disqualified for the remainder of the event. Any racer running quicker than 8.50 ET at any time during an event will be immediately disqualified from the remainder of the even. NO SECOND CHANCES.


AGE 13-18

1. ET restricted to 7.90 seconds or slower based on an ET dial-your-own, break out rules apply.

2. Any racer running quicker than 7.70 ET at any time during an event will receive one warning. If the same racer runs quicker than 7.70 ET again at the same event, he/she will be disqualified for the remainder of the event. Any racer running quicker than 7.50 ET at any time during an event will be immediately disqualified from the remainder of the event. NO SECOND CHANCES.


Honor System: Because it is difficult for track officials to determine what age group each driver is and what times they should be running at the moment all Jr Dragsters are expected to compete under the honor system. If it is discovered by track official that a racer has dialed or was running quicker than the allowed time for the driver's age group (if the ET is a time that would disqualify the driver), the driver will be penalized by having all points for the entire event deducted from their total. If the driver brings this to the attention of track officials while the event is running, then the driver shall receive points for losing the round.



1. At all times when a Jr. Dragster vehicle is being towed, the driver must be seated in the cockpit. No passengers allowed.

2. A fluorescent or brightly colored flag, is to be attached to the Jr. Dragster anytime the vehicle is being towed, this is mandatory. Minimum height above the ground when attached, 5 feet. Jr. Dragster may not be pushed by any motorized vehicle. Tow strap may not attach to any portion of the roll cage.

3. No recreational or fun riding will be allowed. NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 16 YEARS OF AGE PERMITTED TO OPERATE A MOTORIZED VEHICLE WITHIN THE RACING FACILITY. One warning will be given. On second offense vehicle will be taken by track personal and stored until the end of the racing weekend.


Albuquerque Dragway Junior Dragster Procedures

1. Handicap racing, .500 full tree, dial-your-own eliminations.

2. Breakout rules apply.

3. All drivers and their cars shall proceed to the pre-stage lanes when called. All drivers will have a poker chip with their name on it put into a bag to place the driver on a sportsman ladder. Random pairings will be done for the 1st round. After 1st round all winning driver's chips and buy backs will be placed into the bag again and then a ladder will be created for the 2nd round. A ladder can not be used for 1st round as buy backs will occur.

4. Bye Run: For 1st round if there are an odd number of cars, the winner from the previous race will receive the bye-run. (1st race of the year, the points champions from last year shall receive the bye run).  That driver may choose either lane and will be the first car down the track. All other bye runs will be determined by the ladder. The same driver can not receive a bye run int he 1st and 2nd round, however if a driver receives the 1st round bye, he may receive a bye based on his position on the ladder in other rounds. Having a competitor break (competition bye run) will not count as having earned the bye run.

5. Remaining Pairings: The first chip pulled will be in the left lane and the second chip will be in the right. This will continue until all of the chips have been pulled. Pairs shall proceed to the starting line and run in the order their pair was pulled. Ladders: The ladder will be at the tech building. All ladders will be based on a NHRA Sportsman ladder. These ladders are predetermined by NHRA based on the number of cars in the class.

6.  Staging:Jr. Dragsters must be staged under the drivers control and must be in a forward motion.If a Jr. deep stages, the driver must be prepared to accept the tree. Jr. Dragster will be the only class at Albuquerque Dragway that is allowed to deep stage.After proper staging and receiving the starter’s signal to go, re-staging for a second time is prohibited.Once the Jr. has lighted the pre-stage bulb, no one will be allowed to touch the vehicle, or it will be disqualified and not allowed to make the run.

7.  If a Jr. engine looses fire after pre-staging the motor may not be restarted, driver will loose that run.

8.  General procedures:If an issue is raised that is not addressed in these procedures or the NHRA Jr. Drag Racing League rulebook, the standard NHRA rulebook will be used as written for sportsman categories. Should the issue not be addressed in any of these places, the issue will be decided by the track.



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